Saturday, June 4, 2011

My First Blogger Follower!

Its official! I got my first Blogger follower today, and I'm so excited that I decided to devote this entire blog about this person. Its pretty exciting to see how this experiment is developing, and how much I am actually contributing to others. Well, the 2nd isn't very visible on here, but on my Twitter account (@ChrisOrwin), I've been having some really great... conversations? with a couple of others who are also transitioning to polyphasic sleep schedules. A big shoutout to: @filipevsm and @Mike_Rossetti. But that's neither here nor there, because today's blog is all bout my first follower: Stef!

So, I was just loggin into Blogger to start up a new blog or keep working on the half dozen or so works in progress, and I happen to notice this little icon off to the side of my dashboard:

It was pretty amazing, if I do say so myself. I eagerly clicked the link to find out more about this newly acquired stalker. Ah, Stef! Hello Stef! Its nice to meet you, but who are you really? What's your name? Do you have a blog? The exciting questions kept rolling in until I read the first 4 words of her profile: "I am a veterinarian." Instant loss of excitation levels. Ah, that makes sense now. Hi Mom.

Okay, so I know I'm already starting to dig myself a grave here, but I will say that I wasn't quite expecting my Mom to start following me. I mean, its cool, but maybe not quite as cool as some random stranger that wanted to try the Uberman sleep schedule, for instance. Not that I'm complaining or anything. Its cool and all. But... but...

But in all seriousness, I do have to thank my mother, not for following me, but for supporting me, and being my #1 fan supporter. To me, the word fan also connotates always liking the subject, as seen in the use of "I'm not a big fan of..." as a substitute for "I don't like..." I know that I've done quite a few things in my life that has made my Mom not like me from time to time, but she has always supported me, regardless of my decisions. Thankfully, these times have been few and far between, but its always nice to know that someone will be beside you, even when you decide to starve yourself of sleep for the "lulz" (it kind of means "just for fun", or something thereabout). I just wanted to take the time to make sure she understands that I really do appreciate everything shes done for me. From helping me with life decisions to taking care of really simplistic stuff that I should be able to do myself but can't because of my ill preparation growing up, such as depositing a check or washing my clothes (at least I do the later on my own now), she is always there to help out how she can. So, this will be a decently long post, as there is a lot to be said.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec porta est id leo faucibus nec tincidunt quam aliquam. Aenean commodo tristique elit, ac mollis justo tincidunt consectetur. Duis suscipit turpis in magna pharetra lobortis. Duis nec libero eros, quis laoreet sem. My Mom is absolutely amazing and wonder. Ut consequat hendrerit dui nec sollicitudin. Sed erat lorem, sollicitudin a tempor in, vehicula vel velit. Duis cursus arcu a enim fermentum blandit. Etiam nibh orci, porta non lobortis a, pharetra ac nibh. Nulla ultrices quam sit amet lectus bibendum id vehicula sem tincidunt. There is no other mom in the world like mine, which is not only a technically true fact, but mine is just more awesome! In et augue consequat mi mattis ultrices vitae quis massa. Integer quis nibh nulla, vel tempor mi. Integer rhoncus diam in urna pulvinar a tristique ipsum mollis.

Nulla ipsum nibh, bibendum ac mollis non, ultricies non dui. Morbi a nisl orci. Nunc vel magna et velit tempus placerat. Donec tempor facilisis ante, vel venenatis mi semper at. Donec quis diam a ligula varius accumsan. Phasellus convallis metus eu dui interdum tincidunt. Quisque sed neque urna. One time, I had this boo boo, and my Mom kissed it, and it was all better. Aenean volutpat ligula eu odio pellentesque ac consequat turpis euismod. Integer in dui ac ligula consequat commodo non in nisl. Praesent felis leo, feugiat id consectetur sit amet, ullamcorper in leo. Aenean eu malesuada massa. Quisque at massa et est egestas tristique. Etiam et pharetra neque. Ut pulvinar diam nec orci eleifend aliquet. My mother has physic abilities. This one time, she walked into the kitchen, saw all the food all over the floor, looked over to me standing on the counter below the pantry, and said "I know what happened here." Fusce turpis dui, aliquam at hendrerit quis, egestas sit amet eros. Maecenas adipiscing massa nec nisl ullamcorper ultrices. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.

Aenean non augue sapien. Ut pellentesque elit gravida mauris aliquet lacinia. In commodo orci purus, ut rhoncus nibh. Proin a hendrerit elit. Nunc quis tellus vitae diam ornare fermentum. Vivamus sed quam at neque cursus ullamcorper. Suspendisse eget ipsum eu urna blandit placerat. My mother is a complete badass. While I was in highschool, shes the one who got me into heavy metal and motorcycles. Vivamus tempor, urna eu semper tincidunt, massa libero ornare mi, id facilisis purus ipsum at dolor. Donec placerat metus eu ante eleifend auctor. Nullam vestibulum purus ac lorem mattis a lacinia arcu dictum. Etiam elementum arcu id urna adipiscing commodo. Ut vitae gravida ligula. Ut eleifend erat at dolor faucibus rutrum. My Mom would beat your Mom in a fight - my Mom has freakin lasers man! Suspendisse posuere sagittis viverra. Ut est erat, congue ut mattis eget, ullamcorper ut erat. Nam scelerisque ornare augue, nec blandit lectus posuere vitae. Sed sit amet augue erat, a rhoncus dolor. Aliquam erat volutpat. Donec sed enim libero. Sed viverra pulvinar turpis, a aliquet massa pulvinar non.

The truth of the matter is that my Mom means so much to me, that it is impossible to express it in words. I know that she knows that I love her and appreciate everything that she does for me, but every once in a while, its nice to hear it, even if "it" is large chunks of Lorem Ipsum. But please, believe me when I say I googled those blocks of text with all my love!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks buddy... I needed a laugh this morning!! You're a ptetty awesome son and I have always been grateful for you. I love you and I miss you :*
