Saturday, June 11, 2011

I'm Moving to Wordpress

I've talked to a couple of people, and they all seem to really like Wordpress so much more than any other blogging software out there, and from just the limited use that I've had with it, I'm going to have to agree with them. The main reason why I choose blogger in the first place was because I literally googled the word: "Blog" and lo and behold, the first link was Google's own blogging software. So, without much thought, I just logged in (I didn't even have to create an account, as I've already got 4-5 accounts with Google anyway) and started writing blogs.

I didn't have much in the way of expectations, and so I didn't have much of a problem with it. My only complaint was the iPhone blogging software I had used wasn't so hot and compatible with Blogger, but that wasn't an issue with Blogger itself, so I ignored it. I just went about my business and whatever.

Fast forward a few weeks, and I find out that my girlfriend started her own blog for her summer job. Pretty cool, but she choose Wordpress instead of Blogger, so we can't exactly follow each other. No biggie I guess, but I wanted her to feel special, so I jumped straight over to Wordpress and got an account. I signed up to follow her blog and was all "Oooh! You've got a follower! Look at you being so cool!" sort of like what happened to me on here with my mom being my first follower. Well, she laughed it off, and I explored Wordpress.

My first impression was something like this: Blogger looks like one of those websites you'd make yourself using one of those "Site Builders" that all web hosting companies offer, while Wordpress looked like a several thousand dollar professional website for some global corporation. It was amazing! So, it wasn't long that I decided that I'd go ahead and make the switch, as their iPhone app is significantly better than what I had been using for Blogger, and there really were no downsides to switching (other than losing my mom as a follower).

So, this will be my last post here to inform everyone that I am moving to my Wordpress site:

I know, completely radical and out of left field isn't it?

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